#bldwin #Build2015 that’s a warp with some orchestral music. Thanks @duluca @sahllt @wynv Holographic pathfinding #bldwin #Build2015 Microsoft HoloLens is completely untethered. #bldwin #Build2015 Microsoft brings the mouse to the real world! #bldwin #Build2015 Mixed reality reinvents productivity. All universal apps scale to any size on the Windows Holographic platform. #bldwin #Build2015 New SKU? Windows Holographic. #bldwin #Build2015 Windows Holographic platform is annouced. #bldwin #Build2015 Alex Kipmann is out to show HoloLens. #bldwin #Build2015 Are phones the next laptops thanks to Continuum? #bldwin #Build2015 One last thing: Continuum comes to phones, which looks like a Windows PC if connected to a TV. Giving you full blown Office apps and more. #bldwin #Build2015 Continuum allows for the best UX in whatever form factor of device you’re using with Windows. #bldwin #Build2015 Microsoft Edge can run Chrome extensions with little change. Universal apps go fully universal and embrace Java/C++ and Objective-C #Build2015 Windows phone runs android apps! Universal Apps get a big boost and use one binary #Build2015 Terry Myerson is on stage, presenting Windows 10…release date soon? #Build2015 There’s going to be an HR inquiry and drug test for all presenters at #Build2015 D: Spartan gets screen time at #Build2015. Visual Studio Code is free, available on every major OS, and will be out today! #Build2015 Visual Studio for Macs and Linux! #Build2015 Scott Hanselman showing off #DevOps capabilities on Azure #Build2015 .NET Core for Linux and OSX! #Build2015 Docker is being supported for both Windows and Linux on Azure #Build2015 Scott Gu is talking about how the mobility of the experience matters more than the mobility of the device #onewindows #Build2015 IoT + windows holographic @excellaco @techtalkdc #Build2015 The keynote begins, stay tuned for highlights and key takeaways. I wonder what the mystery annoucement from tomorrow is going to be. There are several sessions that are omminously named. #bldwin Getting ready for tomorrow’s keynote at 8:30am Pacific Time. Cortana comes to life. #bldwin .New lock screen them app will allow for distinct lock screen. Add background image to your tiles.#bldwin .New lock screen looks awesome. And finally a notification center pull down with quick access to settings. Joe Belfiore is up talking about Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1 Update.. Terry Myerson kicks off Build. Follow me on twitter @duluca (twitter.com/duluca) for pictures and more updates throughout the day. Tomorrow at 8:30 PST I’ll be live blogging @bldwin Build 2014 Keynote on TechTalkDC http://www.techtalkdc.com/build-2014-keynote-live-blog/ #yam Trying Live Blogging Plus plug-in for Twitter integration at TechTalkDC.com Live blogging test for TechTalkDC.com! Next week I’ll be going to Microsoft’s Build 2014 Conference in San Francisco, CA. I plan on live tweeting interesting tidbits from the conferences. Recently I discovered the Live Blogging plug-in for Word Press (https://wordpress.org/plugins/live-blogging/), I’ll be making use of it to stream my tweets right on the blog. I expect there to be lot’s of new regarding Windows Phone 8.1, Windows 9, Xbox One, Azure, Internet Explorer 12 and Visual Studio. See you next week.Build2015 #bldwin Project Spartan is now called Microsoft Edge. Utilizing Web extensions and a brand new ‘new tab’ experience.
Build2015 #bldwin New Cortana UX looks amazing.
Build2015 #bldwin The new lockscreen will teach the user about undiscovered features of Windows 10.
Build2015 #bldwin Aero glass is back in Windows 10, so is jump lists.
Build2015 #bldwin Joe Bellfiore is on stage now!
Build2015 #bldwin Run iOS apps through Visual Studio. Terry Myerson notes that this stuff actually works. Candy Crush saga is on Windows phone through these technologies.
Build2015 #bldwin iOS and Object-C comes to Window. Microsoft is really eager to close that app gap. Code will compile in Visual Studio, in Windows.
Build2015 #bldwin Is this Microsoft’s strategy to close the app gap?
Build2015 #bldwin Run Android apps with Java/C++ code on Windows.
Build2015 #bldwin Get Win32 and .NET apps through the Windows Store.
Build2015 #bldwin http://aka.ms/vscode Download Visual Studio Code now!
Build2015 #bldwin 4 new ways to build Windows store apps. Web sites as apps with native features.
Build2015 #bldwin Universal Apps can cover phones, Windows and TVs with one app.
Build2015 #bldwin Does 1 Billion Windows 10 devices equate to 1 Billion Windows App Store users? That’s the real question.
Build2015 #bldwin Windows 10 is a free upgrade in its first year.Goal is to reach 1 billion devices within a year.
Build2015 #bldwin Windows Store for Business allows for mixing public apps with LOB apps.
Build2015 #bldwin Windows is the only ecosystem that let’s you bring your apps across to competing devices.
Build2015 Windows 10 is a new generation of Windows.
Build2015 Satya is talking about Windows now, the crowd cheers.
Build2015 Office online has 1.5 Billion users with 470 PB of data, and that is not peanute butter.
Build2015 The presenter forgets to disabled notifications and receives Send me the drugs email, pausing things for a moment.
Build2015 That is Office Graph, not Microsoft Graph.
Build2015 Microsoft unifies cloud APIs behind Microsoft Graph to make it really easy to grab data spread across Microsoft services.
Build2015 Project Spartan and Sway in action on stage.
Build2015 keynote phase 2: innovations in Office
Build2015 That was a like really long, you must use Azure propaganda speach. Satya is back on stage.
Build2015 Azure Data Lake service can store infinite amounts of data.
Build2015 SQL Data Warehouse answers questions pooling data from SQL, No-sql and hadoop data sources.
Build2015 Operationalize machine learning. Now that’s a sentence I love hearing.
Build2015 Switched the live blog to tweet to @techtalkdc.
Build2015 Querying and updating multiple databases is very easy!
Build2015 Elastic database pool allows for isolating customer data while giving the same benefits of hosting a single database.
Build2015 SQL online now support Transparent Data Encryption, Full text search and elastic pool management.
Build2015 SQL on Azure can elastically scale around the world. Takes away all infrastructure concerns, when it comes to maintaining a cloud enabled data store.
Build2015 Microsoft is aiming to build the best in class tools for every developer. 90% of tech companies are now building SaaS apps.
Build2015 Visual Studio Code will be free. Available to download later today!
Build2015 Azure is the cloud for everyone and Visual Studio Code is the editor for everyone.
Build2015 Visual Studio Code works on Ubuntu as well!
Build2015 Scott Hanselman announces Visual Studio Code for Mac.
Build2015 Full life cycle right within Visual Studio online, from code, task management, cloud deployment to insight analytics.
Build2015 Kanban board built into Visual Studio Online.
Build2015 Visual Studio 2015 can run Android emulator with Apache Cordova.
Build2015 Scott Hanselman talks about ASP.NET 5 with Bower and Npm support.
Build2015 Azure App Service supports VPN for Enterprise connectivity to access on premise services and data.
Build2015 Azure App Service allows for .NET, Node.js, Python with Continous Integration and Delivery support.
Build2015 .NET Core RC for Windows and preview for Linux is now available to download.
Build2015 Debug Docker containers from Visual Studio. This is really powerful stuff.
Build2015 Publish Docker containers right within Visual Studio using the Publish command.
Build2015 .NET support in Linux.
Build2015 Mix and match Linux containers with Windows containers. Run any app on any server.
Build2015 Run any Dockerized Windows application on any server.
Build2015 Docker is a big part of Azure and Windows. Combined with open sourced .NET. Docker is now 2 years old.
Build2015 Azure offers “full spectrum” cloud. 500+ new Azure services delivered in the last year.
Build2015 19 Azure regions beats AWS and Google combined.
Build2015 Scott Guthrie comes on stage to talk about the Intelligent cloud using Azure.
Build2015 Intelligent cloud, Reinvent business and productivity and more personal computing. The three major platform opportunities.
Build2015 Empower every developer seems to be the main message.
Build2015 Microsoft is a developer and platform company first. What happened to cloud first, mobile first?
Build2015 “This conference is all about challenging, learning creativity.”
Build2015 Satya Nadella takes the stage.
Build2015 #bldwin We are taking our seats at the keynote. Sahil is taking pictures to post on the live blog.
bldwin We are done. Follow me for more updates throughout the day.
bldwin. With #Xamarin your Windows Universal apps can work on iOS and Android.
bldwin. Offline support using IndexedDB for Windows apps.
bldwin. Run Java on Azure.
bldwin. Windows Common Core enables consistent experiences across PC, Phone, Tablet and Xbox.
bldwin. GeoFencing on phone with Live Tile updates is a great feature on the upcoming FourSquare app.
bldwin. Microsoft demos remote control coding live on stage.
bldwin. Microsoft is talking up apps on Windows. New Flipboard app for Windows Phone looks fantastic!
bldwin. WebMap v2 transforms old WinForms apps to cloud enabled HTML5 apps, even enabling the creation of mobile apps.
bldwin. Microsoft is trying to reassure everyone that WPF is still a viable app dev platform.
bldwin. @StevenGuggs is on stage now.
bldwin. Azure Portal makes the financial ramifications of scaling up very clear and scales up your memory+cpu with one click.
bldwin. Microsoft goes too far and puts Visual Studio lite in the new Azure Portal
bldwin. New Azure Portal integrates App Insights.
bldwin. New Azure Portal exposes real-time billing data with burn rates and lots of details.
bldwin. The New Azure Portal dashboard is your cloud start screen on steroids.
bldwin. Microsoft announces the .Net Foundation www.dotnetfoundation.org
bldwin. Rosyln works with Mono on MacOS as well.
bldwin. @ahejlsberg Adds French quote support to C# on stage.
bldwin. @Resharper must be forking the Roslyn repo right now.
bldwin. @ahejlsberg Roslyn .Net Compiler Platform is now open sourced live on stage.
bldwin. @ahejlsberg announced preview availability of Roslyn compiler features with live code compilation in Visual Studio.
bldwin. SQL self service restore automatically backups your database by default, so you can roll back to a time of day in the past month.
bldwin. Deploy your @Xamarin app to iPhone simulator from Visual Studio.
bldwin. User Azure mobile services as the backend of your app no matter what platform your app is on.
bldwin. Broadcast notifications to millions of users on Azure.
bldwin. Free SSL certificate on Azure Web Sites.
bldwin. @mkristensen talks about WebJobs on Azure, where even a command line app can be used to run long running jobs on your website.
bldwin. @mkristensen talks about Staging on Azure with one click swap deploy to production.
bldwin. @mkristensen on stage demoing two-way BrowserLink, you can modify your HTML, CSS or JS directly from browser dev tools!
bldwin. Azure AutoScale helps save money by spinning down unneeded servers, and meets demand by automatically adding new servers.
bldwin. Use #nodejs on Azure Web Sites.
bldwin. Puppet and Chef are deeply integrated with Azure. @GettyImages uses them to great effect for their configuration management needs.
bldwin. Enable remote debugging on cloud VM from Visual Studio.
bldwin. Create, manage or destroy VMs on Azure from within Visual Studio. Also use puppet and powershell.
bldwin. NBC’s Sochi online streaming scaled seamlessly from 1 concurrent stream on curling match to 2 million for USA v Canada hockey game on Azure.
bldwin. We starting off with Scott Guthrie talking about mobile-first, cloud-first.
bldwin Just had breakfast with Mads Torgersen, PM for C#, he wouldn’t divulge any secrets on the future of C#. Follow my live blog on TeckTalkDC.com for details. #yam
bldwin. Cortana wraps up the Keynote. Follow me on for more updates @duluca during the day. Check out TechTalkDC.com
bldwin Windows APIs are 90% consistent now across platforms.
bldwin. Satya is doing a Q&A session with developers.
bldwin . New CEO Satya Nadella is on stage.
bldwin. With Nokia SensorCore you don’t need a FitBit or similar devices. Your phone tracks your movement all the time.
bldwin. Cortana will work on all ranges of Windows Phones, not just the latest and greatest.
bldwin. Living images and cinematic video with 4 microphones on Lumia 930.
bldwin. Lumia 930 is announced. Looks fantastic!!
bldwin. Windows Phone 8.1 will be on all WP8 Lumia phones by this summer.
bldwin. Stephen Elop comes on to talk about Nokia.
bldwin. Build attendees get a free Xbox One. And 0 gift card for the Microsoft Store.
bldwin Phones and tablets smaller than 9″ gets free windows as well.
bldwin. Windows for Internet of Things will be free.
bldwin. DirectX 12 will offer same API on PC, Xbox and Phone.
bldwin. @buhain suggests having the Cortana spinner on mini screen on Kinect for Windows.
bldwin. Average user spends 5 hours a day on Xbox, launching apps on Xbox will be huge.
bldwin. Universal apps coming to Xbox!
bldwin. YouTube finally works on Windows Phone 8.1.
bldwin. IE11 coming to phone with Web GL, JS debugging, inline video and tons more. See next tweet for full list.
bldwin. Access full Win32 API from side loaded enterprise WinRT app and bring your legacy code to the 21st century with great touch UX.
bldwin. Complex grammar and natural language recognition ready to be customized for all apps.
bldwin. Full featured office touch first apps will work on WP8 as well.
bldwin. Touch first modern office apps for Windows are in preview.
bldwin. Buy apps once and it’ll work on PC and phone. Same goes for in-app purchases.
bldwin. Convert existing app projects to universal app projects in VS2013 easily. Especially if you are using universal controls.
bldwin. Universal Windows Apps are announced. WinRT on the phone.
bldwin. Afd.sys really stands for ‘Another Freakin’ Driver’
bldwin. Cortana introduces David Treadwell.
bldwin. Windows Store now pre-pinned to taskbar and search for apps you want to install right from the start screen like WP 8 has it. Out April 8th.
bldwin. Windows 8 now has seamless access to the taskbar and app title bar in all apps for mouse users.
bldwin. IE11 now can run legacy corporate sites that were built for ancient browsers.
bldwin. Windows Phone 8.1 out in a month or so.
bldwin. Swype like, word flow, typing now default in Windows Phone.
bldwin . Improved calendar, Wi-Fi Sense, auto sign up to free wi-fi, securely share your wi-fi password, switch to Skype call mid phone convo.
bldwin. New enterprise features for WP8 announced like S/MIME, MDM, VPN, disabled apps on corporate networks.
bldwin. Cortana can search through all phone content as well. No more searching for emails from the email app.
bldwin. Cortana is launching as beta in the US, expanding to the UK and China later on.
bldwin. Cortana is Siri + Google Now but with better speech and transparent settings, also the new default search experience on WP8.
Going to Build 2014




















