The JavaScript Promise

I’ve previously written about the benefits of using full-stack JavaScript here and the Hapi LEBRON stack that I had synthesized drawing inspiration from Max Ogden’s LEBRON stack.

Me and several colleagues, Kevin Groat, Alex Hoffman and Emmanuel Apau created an agile retrospective app, helping teams with remote team members conveniently host retrospectives, called Excella Retro. Today the retro app is open sourced under Excella Labs named remote-retro-hapi.

Remote-Retro-Hapi is an implementation of the idea to create a simple and approachable tech stack that is easy to use, learn and teach. For this to work every layer of unnecessary complexity must be peeled away. I’ve found the Hapi LEBRON stack to be a good compromise in achieving this goal. Although the open source project is helpful in demonstrating a concrete implementation, it is not perfect and doesn’t really help someone else kick start their project quickly.

For this purpose, I’ve started to create a collection of NPM packages to help anyone start creating their own full-stack JavaScript projects.
Hapi-Web-Server: Route and controller definitions to use Hapi.JS to serve static content (html, css, js, images, etc) over the web.
Dev-Norms: Sensible starter norms for developers starting or joining a new project.
Angular Starter: An Angular starter project using the new Angular router, encouraging writing Angular 1.4+ code that’ll be compatible with Angular 2.

Below is my presentation for the April 2015 NOVA Code Camp, where I’ve walked through the JavaScript Promise in more detail.