First ever Tech Talk DC Meetup: Learn about Web Components & Polymer

The first ever Tech Talk DC meetup is happening on Feb 18th at Excella Consulting offices in Arlington, VA.

We love polyglots, people who care about craftsmanship and best practices. Come join us and let’s learn to use tools that are fit for their purpose; let’s scrutinize the worthiness of new technologies; let’s practice what we preach and let’s hangout together.

This first talk, by Steve Albers, discusses the up-and-coming Web Components standards, how they improve web development, how Polymer can help you develop using Web Components today, and whether Web Components enhance (or replace) your favorite web framework.


Steve Albers is a Principal Software Developer for a Fortune 500 communications company and has worked in software development for 20 years, focusing on web technologies, systems integration and application performance.