Python Technical Guide: An Introduction to PDB

Any software developer knows that good code doesn’t get written right the first time, and when unexpected behavior occurs eyeballing the code or even using print statements can end up falling short. This year at PyCon, I had the pleasure of attending a talk by Clayton Parker about an »

To ORM or Not To ORM

ORM or Object Relational Mapping give developers easy access to the database by connecting objects to database tables. ORMs are easy to use and set up, but can cause performance problems for complex queries. Here are a few tips on when to use the ORM and when not to: To »

Three of the Most Common Mistakes Made when Using Elasticsearch

In addition to being a top choice for enterprise search, Elasticsearch is also growing in popularity as an all-purpose datastore.  It’s easy to scale, it’s extremely fast, and it can be accessed via a RESTful API.  Because the documentation can be difficult to maneuver, there are a number »

.NET Technical Guide: AutoFac

Introduction What is AutoFac? The principle of Dependency Inversion states that you should rely on abstractions instead of concretions. It leads to code that is more scalable, testable, and maintainable because it allows us to quickly and easily swap out implementations (examples of this concept are in the following sections) »

Introducing PacMon: Dependency Check Integration for TeamCity

So you think your application is safe… No matter how much effort you’ve put into writing secure code, critical security flaws can still find their way into your project through its dependencies. Today, an average of 80% of a new application’s code is comprised of third-party libraries and »

BUILD 2015 Keynote Live Blog

Highlights and key takeaways from Microsoft BUILD 2015 Keynote. Read the live blog. Live Blog /**/ **14.34** ​#bldwin #Build2015 that’s a warp with some orchestral music. Thanks @duluca @sahllt @wynv **14.27** Holographic pathfinding ![IMG_20150429_112641566]( »

Full Stack JS Part 1: Setting Up A Node Server

Intro This is the first in a series of articles which will demonstrate how to set up a complete Full Stack JavaScript environment. In this article we will cover how to get a simple “Hello World” server up and running on your localhost. This article will cover both setting up »

Automated Acceptance Testing From Scratch

On March 20th, Excella’s Dan Davis presented “Automated Acceptance Tests from Scratch” at TechTalkDC meetup. Check out the video of the presentation and the slides. »

The JavaScript Promise

I’ve previously written about the benefits of using full-stack JavaScript here and the Hapi LEBRON stack that I had synthesized drawing inspiration from Max Ogden’s LEBRON stack. Me and several colleagues, Kevin Groat, Alex Hoffman and Emmanuel Apau created an agile retrospective app, helping teams with remote team »

Python Technical Guide: Let's Use Generators By Default

At PyCon 2015 I had the pleasure of seeing Brett Slatkin’s talk on writing effective Python functions (youtube link).  During the presentation he touched on the topic of generators, and one of his statements appealed to me: Instead of “why are you using generators?” we should be asking “why »

.NET Technical Guide: Reflection

Reflection is an API that allows its user to view and access all properties, fields, constructors, methods, and metadata for any class supplied to it at runtime (as opposed to compile time).  Among other things, Reflection also allows its consumer to call these methods as well as get or set »