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2 posts

Kevin Groat is a .NET and JavaScript developer, with a strong passion of clean, elegant code. Working as a Consultant at Excella Consulting has given him experience in creating and consuming RESTful

.NET Technical Guide: Reflection

Reflection is an API that allows its user to view and access all properties, fields, constructors, methods, and metadata for any class supplied to it at runtime (as opposed to compile time).  Among other things, Reflection also allows its consumer to call these methods as well as get or set »

Which JavaScript Test Library Should You Use? QUnit vs Jasmine vs Mocha

Whether you’re writing javaScript for the browser or for nodeJS, the question exists: what unit test library should I use to ensure my javascript code is working as expected?  There are plenty to choose from, and several that are popular.  If you were considering jUnit, Jasmine, or Mocha, then »