Get Windows Phone 8.1 Now

Microsoft has released Windows Phone 8.1 to developers and you can get it today, if you follow these detailed instructions from WinSuperSite. You can also wait and all Windows Phone 8 devices should get this update sometime this summer. The biggest new feature is Cortana. A Siri + Google Now »

Best IT Talks in DC

Check out the Excella Blog for the best IT talks in DC for the month of April. Here’s the link: »

MongoDB 2.6 Released

MongoDB 2.6 release called the biggest & most enterprise friendly version ever by CTO @eliothorowitz! »

Build 2014 Day 2 Keynote Live Blog

Ready for Day 2 of Build. Looking forward hearing more about Azure and C#. /**/ **14.34** ​#bldwin #Build2015 that’s a warp with some orchestral music. Thanks @duluca @sahllt @wynv **14.27** Holographic pathfinding ![IMG_20150429_112641566]( »

Build 2014 Keynote Live Blog

Getting ready for tomorrow’s Build 2014 keynote and sessions. I’ll be live blogging the tidbits that I find interesting on this page and on Twitter. Feel free to post a comment on this post and share your thoughts. /*/ 14.34 ​#bldwin #Build2015 that’s a warp with some »

Going to Build 2014

/*/ 14.34 ​#bldwin #Build2015 that’s a warp with some orchestral music. Thanks @duluca @sahllt @wynv **14.27** Holographic pathfinding ![IMG_20150429_112641566](**14.24** ​#bldwin #Build2015 Microsoft HoloLens is completely untethered. »

MVVM on the Web with .Net Technologies

My article about using MVVM on the web with .Net technologies recently got published on DevPro. They’ve featured the article on their homepage, with the following intro. Doguhan Uluca explains why he prefers the MVVM pattern to MVC, describes how MVVM helps develop lean, scalable, and securable, responsive web »

How To Work With Windows Authentication and Local Databases

Previously I’ve documented How To Give Machine Access To SQL Server for a frictionless or password-less development experience leveraging Windows Authentication capabilities. When I wrote that article, my development database was hosted on a remote SQL server and recently we’ve made a decision to move those development servers »

Search Through All Drives and Files in a Blink

Or as the tool is named – Search Everything ( on your Windows machine. Searches might be slow Did this every happen to you? You’re looking for some obscure file and Windows displays a message saying “Searches might be slow in non-indexed locations.” It even helpfully suggests »

Why You Should Stop Using SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)

As a .Net Developer, I always install SSMS on my development machine and use it quite often when I’m integrating my code with the database. However, recently I’ve noticed I’m wasting a lot of time – first waiting for SSMS to load and second to observer what Foreign »